The Moon Shed
The Moon Shed Podcast
The moon, the lunar eclipse and the autumn equinox rituals

The moon, the lunar eclipse and the autumn equinox rituals

2 meditative voice notes to celebrate the full moon lunar eclipse and autumn equinox
person wearing gray sock standing on stairs
Photo by alex geerts on Unsplash

Happy Tuesday

I'm feeling witchy so I've recorded two meditative rituals for you for two different days.

This is what happens when rosehips appear and the evening walks show me red sunsets.

People say you should have one voice as a writer.

Yet some days I share the ordinary with you and the next I'm recording a meditative ‘spell’ like this one.

I nearly excused myself then.

Said sorry for being like this. For having different voices.

But I'd tell you not to apologise for yor own richness Wouldn't I?

I'd tell you to loosen your voice, bring different parts of yourself to the table.

So I'll follow my gut and offer you these voice notes for the lunar eclipse and the autumn equinox. This is made for tarot and oracle card lovers alike.

Get witchy with me. Be unapologetically magical.

Gather everything you need first. Candles, journals, tea, cards and pens

For the lunar eclipse UK 17th September

You can read below or listen to the recording…

Light your candle

Settle yourself. Find your seat here. What does solid ground feel like?

Holding your deck

Talk silently to your cards as you shuffle and breathe.

Utter words in the silence of your heart.

“Tell me the tale of the lunar eclipse”

The cards slip over one another. Embue them with your question.

The rhythmic sound of the deck lulls you into a deeper connection with yourself, with your body, thoughts and heart.

Trees listen

The sky knows

You ask the question

Not because you want to get somewhere.

Not because you need answers at all

Simply to open yourself to the mystery

To honour and nourish a longing for magic.

You'll know when the time has come to place your card on the ground and turn over your message.

Let the card tell the tale

May the message be meaningful for you

For the autumn equinox UK 22nd September


Light your candle and place berries or leaves in the glow

Settle yourself. Feel the ground beneath you.

Let thoughts come and go so they shed like leaves to the ground.

Holding your deck ask

“Tell me a message for autumn”

not because i need to know how to balance everything.

This is an impossible task.

The seasons show me balance comes when it's ready then once again the balance tips.

Simply imagine right now, this very minute there is only balance. For just these moments. You are just as much the light as the dark.

Pause in this

Then find confidence in the tipping into the darker part of the year knowing it reflects a natural cycle within

Shuffling gently

You draw your card when ready

May the message be meaningful for you.

I'd love to hear from you if you tried this. I'd love it if you could restack this so others can enjoy it.

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Claire Amritavani Brown

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The Moon Shed
The Moon Shed Podcast
Tarot with heart. A newsletter to bring tarot into your life to give you time for yourself, a deeper connection with your inner world and a little bit of magic.