Jun 3Liked by Claire Amritavani Brown

I’ve been thinking a lot about congruency over consistency. Congruency is about aligning our actions with our beliefs, ensuring that what we do feels true to who we are. Whereas consistency sometimes leads to a rigidity that doesn’t necessarily reflect our values. Congruency feels more flexible somehow…it allows for change and growth and create honest connections, with ourselves and others. I feel like there’s a branding post in this 😂

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I'd love to read more about this Sarah. I was thinking about branding and consistency and how I can never settle on a "look" maybe more so when I listened to your photos tip.

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Your wish is my command. I took some screenshots of your images and need to reply!

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Jun 4Liked by Claire Amritavani Brown

Yours is the second post I’ve read at the beginning of the week calling us (me) to embrace the wild, deeper inner me. So there is definitely something there for me to work through and ponder on, especially under the dark phase of the new moon later this week.

But, your writing about acceptance gave me a whole different way to approach the depths of my soul and knowing who I am and how I relate to the routines and rituals in my life. So much goodness to soak in, thank you! 🫶🏻

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Thank you for reading it through. I'm glad it feels relevant.

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Jun 3Liked by Claire Amritavani Brown

'You’re simply a fool in the most positive sense of the word. Your sensitivity to life means you could never really settle into one thing only.

Maybe it’s time to get to know your inner fool. Surely you’re too wild and open hearted to be consistent. Is it time to soften into this possibility of a life of limitless change?'

I really appreciate these words! I've been exploring parts of myself recently that beat myself up for my changeability, for too many ideas, for my lack of consistency. This was just what I needed, thank you

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I know how it feels to be so changeable and full of ideas. Disorientating at times. I hope you find spaciousness around it.

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Jun 4Liked by Claire Amritavani Brown

This is very interesting, it dropped into my inbox the day after I did my first Tarot spread and pulled The Fool reversed 🤔

That tarot deck with the lovely deer illustration is beautiful! And for what it is worth I think I’d enjoy hearing your Astro Babble 😄

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Ooh. How was it doing your first tarot spread? I'm always reluctant to talk about the chart in depth. It ends up sounding so technical. I'm trying to find a way to do it without sounding complicated.

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Jun 5Liked by Claire Amritavani Brown

Hmm I’m not sure, difficult and I’m not sure what I’m doing. I did another spread the next day which felt a bit better maybe? I’m trying to do a daily(ish) card pull or spread as a way of learning by doing and flexing my intuitive muscles. I really do need to learn more, I think I need to get the book you’re reading for your slow book club, it sounds very interesting.

Astrology and birth charts are something I don’t know much about but find them interesting, there is just so much information it can be overwhelming. I’m sure you would be able to find your way with it, I find your writing style very enjoyable to read ☺️ Do you have any recommendations for other Substacks with a focus on Astrology etc?

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Keep doing what you're doing. I'd say a card a day is the best way to learn. Biddy Tarot has lots of resources free and kelly Ann Maddox has a ton of you tube videos. The tarot professor on Instagram has loads of beginners stuff.You'll get there. Have you seen my tarot for beginners post? For astrology it's tricky to recommend because it's so in depth. I mean I think the astrology podcast is amazing and nightlight astrology but they are quite complex. Lots if people like Chaani Nicholson.

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Jun 6Liked by Claire Amritavani Brown

Thank you 😊 and I’ll definitely check those out as well as your Tarot for beginners post.

Astrology does get pretty complex, sometimes I like to just find something to listen to and let it wash over me, if I stick with it I end up picking things up by osmosis 😂

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I absolutely know what you mean. In that case those recommendations will be good

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Jun 3Liked by Claire Amritavani Brown

Thank you! I was thinking about this last night as I thought about different ideas I wanted to explore creatively but whenever I would consider them immediately thinking--Well here's another thing I won't be consistent with and fail and so never really allowing myself to engage. I started to flirt with maybe allowing myself to be more "fool"ish in my days and embracing the change--I love how you mentioned even the seasons and cycles of the moon feeling too consistent-- haha incredibly relatable!

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I'm glad it's relatable. It's how I tend to operate so I figured others would too.

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Jun 4Liked by Claire Amritavani Brown

I love Substack so much because I always stumble upon posts that I need to read at the exact time. This is said post. Thank you so much 🙏💛

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You are welcome. It's funny how that happens isn't it. Just goes to show we are all going through similar stuff.

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Jun 4Liked by Claire Amritavani Brown

It's like the best sign from the universe isn't it. Sometimes I feel as though I can't keep up with all the amazing writing here but then I just have to trust that the good stuff will be waiting for me here, just when I need it.

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Oh you are so right! What a wonderful place to hang out where we are just surrounded by beautiful writing which resonates x

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Jun 3Liked by Claire Amritavani Brown

You looked into my life and called me out! 😁 Thank you for this nourishing post!

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Lol! We all do these things don't we. You are welcome. Will you be with us on Year 2 with Adam?

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Meg, Marjorie and Anita will be looking after you in Year 2, but I may pop in occasionally. Join me in Year 3 next year, that is where I hang out ;-)

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Jun 3Liked by Claire Amritavani Brown

This was such a great and affirming read! I can’t certainly berate myself about not staying consistent in the things I feel I ‘should’ be doing. At the same time, when I honour when I feel called instead, things feel effortless. Thank you for reminding me of the certainty of change and that we should honour ourselves over our ‘consistency’ xx

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Yes. We need to remind ourselves over and over I think.

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Gosh, I love this post. And lately everything seems to be guiding me towards tarot. Ok, ok, I’m listening!!

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Follow along with us and I'm glad you liked it 😊

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Jun 9Liked by Claire Amritavani Brown

Such a great read Claire, thank you. I’ve had such a difficult relationship with this thing I’m supposed to be, it’s much more relaxed now, consistency for me means being consistently in tune with myself - am I resisting growth and telling myself to take a break when it’s really a bit of hiding, or am I forcing something? Etc.

Inner consistency and attunement takes priority over anything else called consistency! And I stay away from posts and books that I know could get me into a space of lack and I’m not enoughness.


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Yes. Maybe the journey of being human is learning to drop what you're supposed to be and become who you are.

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Jun 9Liked by Claire Amritavani Brown

This is so wonderful, thank you! 🙏🏻

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You are welcome 😊 thank you for taking time to read it.

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Jun 6Liked by Claire Amritavani Brown

Late to this. But glad I found it.

This is a wonderful post, Claire. Personally I need rigidity, routine and consistency to get through life (autism), so this card frightens me somewhat, but in a good way. What I found so profound was the being ourselves part. Inner acceptance rather than self-development *really* struck a chord: I’m so done with ‘personal growth’ I could vomit! Perhaps it’s a mid-life thing? (I’m 47).

It seems to me that any time we’re pushed into doing or being something that isn’t actually who we are then suffering and self-flagellation follow close behind.

Wonderful reading, thank you.

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First to say thank you. My alternative essay for you is your consistency is your wisdom. It would be so interesting to look at the cards through the lens of autism. I'm in mid life too and starting to understand self acceptance isn't passive. It's radical.

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Jun 6Liked by Claire Amritavani Brown

I adore this. I've been struggling lately with feeling pressure to be more creatively *consistent* - because that's what the internet tells us to do isn't it? Nevermind that I'm mother to a toddler and every day is unpredictable. I'm just now learning to lean into the chaos, to embrace being consistently inconsistent. I am rooted but I flow.

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Sadly consistency does help on an Internet level but I guess it's whether we want to be pinned down to that ideal.

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Jun 4Liked by Claire Amritavani Brown

Oh my goodness, this is brilliant Claire. I'm the first one to beat myself up for not sticking to a new routine - and I don't think I ever managed to get more than 3 or 4 days into a new tick chart. I love the idea of embracing my inner Fool a little more - and that deck is stunning by the way.

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Aw thanks Louise.

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Jun 4Liked by Claire Amritavani Brown

Fantastic thoughts to ponder. Appreciate your insights on the fool...and glad to be one!

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It's like fools reunited on this thread.

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Jun 4Liked by Claire Amritavani Brown

Yes! And it inspired me to write my next post, which I tag you and this post on - look for it Sunday. Thank you for sharing your wisdom!

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Wonderful. I'll look forward to reading it.☺️

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Jun 4Liked by Claire Amritavani Brown

Thank you for this, it is so much me too! 😊

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I think so many of us experience these things don't we.

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